The Romans loved to tell stories about the magical family who ruled the heavens. The Romans truly believed their gods could interfere in their lives, to help or hinder them. They could interfere with any living creature - gods, mortals, and even insects!
According to ancient Roman myth, Jupiter was the king of all the gods. Jupiter had two brothers and three sisters. When Saturn, their father, died, the boys - Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto - divided the world up between themselves. Jupiter took all of the heavens, Neptune took the sea, and Pluto took the underworld. Each was quite content with their selection.
- Greek: One of the differences between Greek and Roman myth is that in Greek myth, Zeus was controlled in part by the Fates. His was a self appointed position. He could have been ousted by the other gods, not that they ever tried it or wanted it. Zeus often came down to earth and mingled with mortals. He could throw his voice and sound like anybody, which caused a great deal of trouble, which delighted him.
- Roman: In Roman myth, Jupiter was the god supreme. He could not be ousted by the other gods. He ruled heaven and earth and all life. Jupiter rarely left the heavens. He listened to his various advisors from his throne on high. The Fates had no power over him. He might assign one of the other gods to make a decision, but the final word was always his.
SIMILAR: The Greek god Zeus and the Roman god Jupiter were both married to their sister. Both were fond of their children. The children of both had special magical powers. They both had more power than any other god. They could shape shift, and look like any mortal or animal they chose. In both Greek and Roman mythology, they both threw lightening bolts. They both loved their flying horse, Pegasus. As you can see, although there were differences, there were also similarities.
There are many stories and myths about Jupiter. One of my favorite stories is Jupiter and the Bee or Be Careful What You Wish For.
Another myth about Jupiter, when Jupiter comes down to earth, a rare occurance for the Roman god: Jupiter, Juno, and Little Io