Ancient Rome for Teachers
Gods, Goddesses, Myths
Gods and Goddesses (free download, school history, worksheet)
Mythology for the Classroom (3 lessons, Greek and Roman)
Roman Religion, Walk the Plank game, interactive
Greek and Roman Myths in Art (7 activities, downloads with all info, from the fabulous Getty) - Includes:
- Attributes—Clues as to Who's Who In this treasure hunt-like activity, students learn to recognize mythical characters in a story by identifying the unique clothes, weapons, or other objects—called attributes—that they wear or carry.
- Characters, Actions, and Settings Students read an episode from a myth and then search for the painting that depicts the same scene. They explore the ways an artist depicts written words visually.
- Creating a Monster Students read a description of a mythic monster and search for the monster in a work of art. They then draw their own monster and write a story about it.
- Lasting Traditions Students compare how artists have depicted the same goddess over the centuries.
- A Picture Paints a Thousand Words Students study facial expression and gesture in paintings and explore how artists use these tools to tell a story.
- Body Language Students compare two statues of the same god and consider how the artists used body language to create similarities and differences in mood and expression.
- Postcard Memories Students write a postcard to a friend or their family describing their visit to the Getty and telling them about a character or myth they learned about.
Kids Pages
Roman Gods & Goddesses for Kids
Free use clipart for kids and teachers

Explore Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome for Kids
Quick Comparison: Ancient Greeks vs. Ancient Romans
Geography, Natural Resources, Maps
Three Periods in Roman History
Daily Life
Gods, Goddesses, Myths, Religion
Roman Letters Home, Inscriptions
Art and Architecture
Roman Architecture, the Great Builders
Roman Emperors - Augustus, Trajan, Diocletian, Constantine, Valens
Achievements and Inventions
How the planets got their names
Achievements, Contributions - Concrete, Aquaducts, and more
Interactive Games
Play Free Interactive Online Games about Ancient Rome
Interactive Quiz Questions with Answers about Ancient Rome by Topic
Ancient Rome Five Themes of Geography
Early Ancient Rome - The Founding and Kingdom
Ancient Rome - The Roman Republic
Ancient Rome - The Roman Empire
Ancient Roman Religion, Festivals, Holidays
Ancient Rome - Rights of Slaves, Children, and Women
Ancient Roman Art, Architecture, Inventions, Achievements
Ancient Rome for Teachers
Ancient Rome Lesson Plans & Units
Ancient Rome Activities and Projects
Ancient Rome Free Use PowerPoints
Investigate Real Life Artifacts in the Museum of the Ancients